Thursday, June 9, 2011

Information on Generating Long Term Traffic for Your Blog

Many people start out in blogging by trying a variety of ineffective tricks to build traffic to their blogs. What follows are some proven strategies that will enable you to generate targeted visitors to your blog who will keep returning.

The Importance of On-page SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for getting free, targeted traffic to your blog. When you optimize your blog for the search engines, you have to focus on the on-page aspects of it as well as getting links from other sites. Every blog post should be optimized for at least one keyword phrase that you want to rank for. Your keywords should be used as anchor text when you post to your blog. It's also important to pay attention to the internal linking on your blog, which can be done by having one post link to another post or page on a similar topic. It can help your search engine ranking to use internal linking, as this is something Google likes to see when it crawls your site. When it comes to ranking with the search engines, you have to give equal weight to on page and off page SEO. Forum Marketing Tactics: One of the best ways to bring your blog to the attention of many interested readers is to become active in forums related to your topic. When posting to a forum, it's important that you're contributing in a positive way, so stay on topic and provide value to the members. When posting to the forum, remember that your goal is to provide high quality, helpful information. You can use anchor text to promote your blog in your signature, but don't link to your blog in any actual posts. By regularly contributing to the forum in a positive way, you'll gradually be seen as an expert in your niche. Another great read article submission software. Give this a read traffic generation tutorial.

Build a Community: The more of a community you can build around your blog, the better you'll do with it. In order for your blog to succeed, you need lots of returning visitors, and the way to do this is to create a feeling of involvement and community with your blog. The sense of being an important part of a community can prove to be a great pulling factor. If you can find ways to build a real community out of your blog, you'll never have to worry about getting enough traffic. Whether you're leveraging social bookmarking or any other way to drive traffic to your blog, once you start to focus on creating a community, you'll see that it's the only way to make your readers stick. Remember also that you can't expect to generate huge amounts of traffic to your blog in a few days. It's best, therefore, to avoid tricks and loopholes designed to get you instant traffic, as this won't be the kind of targeted visitors who will really help you.

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