Thursday, June 23, 2011

Managing Online Customer Service and What it Means

There really is no excuse for losing existing or potential customers due to poor or substandard online customer service.
So that is why we are here, today, because we will show you what you can do to turn this situation around.
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We have used live chat customer service plenty of times, and it really is a great idea. The power of online chat allows the customers to instantly connect with the customer service staff and get timely solution to their problems, instead of waiting around to get a reply to their email. Once you get this up and running on your site, then people will love how easy and fast it really is. The process is fairly simple and the customers don't need to have any technical know how. The companies who designed the user interface were really good because of how easy they are to use. Just about everybody online has chatted with someone, and so there will be a feeling of familiarity. Even if you only make it available at certain times of the day, that is better than nothing.

But there will be plenty of times over the years when contacting you just has to be done.

Even though you might have answered most of the common queries in the FAQ section, you should still allow your customers to directly email you. You will find that more people will email than call, and that is about normal across the board. Roughly twenty four hours or less will put you in good stead with most people.

We do not know the real reason why people are less tolerant and more rude than they definitely seem to be. So one of your aims as a company should be to show politeness to your customers when they approach you. The goal of your customer service staff is to make the customer happy, and actually that is not hard to do. Most people just want to be treated with respect, and they will generally respond when treated properly. The key to success with online customer service is to be as open with your customers as possible when asking them for feedback. You can also make the extra effort to send a 'thank you' note to anyone who comes up with a valuable feedback tip that will help your business.

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