Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Injecting Fire Power Into Your Landing Pages for PPC Advertising

How To Approach PPC Landing Page Optimization

Your PPC ad campaigns can perform poorly for many reasons, but one thing for sure is your landing page can totally sink your efforts.
There are any number of reasons why people have landing pages that fail, but they can always fix them. Given below are some easy to understand tips that you can use to enhance your landing page and get better results.

When you invest money into a PPC campaign, you expect to get some kind of returns, right? The landing page is an extremely important factor in your success with PPC or any other traffic generating method. In that consideration, be sure you never present the visitor with an excessive number of choices. To maximize your opportunities, you will need to spread your hooks out a little bit. Different types of link opportunities will appeal to a broader range of site users. Approach landing page design from the mindset of what your market will generally find attractive. Making your process super simple to follow will yield the most favorable results. Nothing works as well as simplicity in most cases. Make sure that everything you do is for a good reason, and that will tend to eliminate excess clutter.

It can be fine to use slang in your copy, but do not go overboard and be sure everyone will understand. You have to understand that not everybody that's searching for your product/service is well versed with the industry lingo, which is why your copy should be written in layman's terms. People on the internet typically do not stop and read everything; they scan and then slow down if something interests them. You will have much better results if you use shorter paragraphs of about four or five sentences. Bullets that contain benefits will be appreciated by people because they can read them very fast.

You can turn your audience away simply by creating a design that makes them uncomfortable. You have to keep everything smooth and make sure your prospect doesn't feel offended. If some of your visitors don't want to fill out your form, then give them an option to do it later by providing a "No Thanks" button or link. These visitors may come back and convert later on, so the point here is to never push it on your visitors and give them a choice. You have to get people to click on your ad, and after that they must convert on your landing page. So be very sure you take the time to optimize your landing pages so they will work for you.

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