Friday, June 17, 2011

What You Should Understand About Improving Sales Copy

Raising your sales copy conversion rate isn't something that happens in a single night; it takes a lot of time. If you would like to make sure that you get a good return from your sales copy you need to make the right changes in the right places. Keep reading to learn how you can better improve your sales copy.
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Understand Your Numbers: If you really want to make your sales copy better you need to know where you currently stand. In other words, you should know your numbers well, such as how many visitors you are getting per month, the number of sales per visitor, your average conversion rate, etc. One of the first steps that you need to take, while things are still unclear and you're trying to make them better, is to measure any results you are already getting. "Hits per month" means something different than "unique visitors per month" and it is important to know the difference. Understanding your conversion rate is also applicable to copy changes because it tells you where you're going and whether or not you get there. Knowing your current performance metrics will play a major role in assisting you in your attempts to improve that performance. Be a Friend: When you write copy does it take on the same tone that you often hear in television commercials? You have to be able to lower your prospects inhibitions about making sure that the offer isn't, in any way, commercial. You need to make friends with your prospects by offering good advice instead of trying to push your offer onto them. This will allow you to be more reachable and showcase you as a sharing individual that cares. People coming to your website for the first time and reading your copy are strangers; how you make them feel at home and take them by hand through your sales copy will determine how well they convert. After all, in addition to making money you want to help your sales prospects solve their problems.

Get additional how-to's on this site > content marketing.

Lead Them to Your Call to Action: So you've managed to take a potential buyer through all of your sales copy from your headline and everything after--what do you do now? You're not done until the reader takes some kind of action. If you want to use them as leads or make a sale you need to ask them to do what you want them to do in your "call to action." At the very end of your sales copy (and in a few places in the body of it) you need to come out and ask the reader to buy from you or do whatever it is you want them to do. This means that if your call to action doesn't currently work you need to make a new one. That's what you need! Copywriting tips that will help you get the results you crave so go ahead and put these tips to use right now!

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